Friday, October 16, 2009

Random Ramblings

I have been trying to come up with an idea for a post, but I seem to be having a brain freeze today or perhaps I can blame it on menopause. That seems like a good excuse to me.
I can't think of anything particularly interesting to blog about.

It's been a rather slow day at the shop,mainly my regulars. I don't see them as customers anymore, but as friends. I look froward to their visits.

I thought I'd do some crafting, things were going great till my sewing machine decided to throw a fit....I wasn't in the mood to fight. We'll work out our differences later!

I rearranged my computer room AGAIN. I rearrange that room more than any room in the house. It just never feels right to me. I like it for now!

Our new kitty, Rodger is a piece of work. He is into and on everything. We plan to have him declawed as soon as he is old enough. There is a new method where they use laser, much more humane. Our daughter, Jennifer had her cat Emma done and there were no bandages and Emma was walking like nothing had ever happened.

I sure hope it warms up a bit for the little Ghost and Goblins. It's no fun wearing a coat over your costume!
I'll post some photos of our little Goblins later.

Are any of you Jon and Kate fans? I love the show. I'm sad to hear it has been canceled. I know Kate could be a bit of a nag, but I think Jon lost his mind! Kate always makes me laugh or cry, I'll miss the show.
Speaking of shows that I love, what ever happened to Paranormal State? I like the other ghost hunter shows, but that was my fave! I'd watch that then have to sleep with the light on...:)

October through December is party time in our family. We have eight birthdays during those months, five being in November.
Birthdays, Halloween, Thanksgiving and Christmas= lots of good food!

So much for brain freeze, more like brain clutter!


  1. I love the Jon and Kate show. I think I heard today that they will do some kind of show, it isn't really canceled. You're right she can be a nag, but I can too so I can't say much about it LOL.

  2. Morning!
    Well I started out liking the show but got frustrated as the time went on so quit watching it....I hope their lives settle down for them for the childrens sake but things like this take wayyyyy to much time to go away ... let's just pray for them!

    I haven't posted much myself because not much fun going on in my life right now - well by fun I

    Good luck with kitty getting declawed - never knew about the laser...good idea!

